Alvaro Siza
Santo Tirso, Portugal
There were discrepancies between published plans and the built house.
This was discovered with the photographs of the house. The plan I drew
up represents what i understand and can see from the photographs. The sections show the main structural systems in the house.

These drawing explore the two major axis which is the starting points of
the structuring of rooms within the house (ie/ separation between
public and private) and how the diagonal axis creates a connection
between the split, bringing private and public back together yet
separate through the courtyard, the heart of the house.

These analytical drawings explore the public and private spaces, how they are defined by the amount of light that envelopes it. Public spaces are classified as either intimate or normal public spaces determined by its ceiling height where a compressed space is intimate. The drawings also subtly explore the circulation of the house, first being presented with a view of the living room (joining room between private and public) from the entrance and then a choice between the public rooms (kitchen, dining room) or private rooms (bedrooms).
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